Create your own linux commands
Method 1:
Step 1: From home directory open .bashrc file
sudo nano .bashrc
Step 2: Add a line at the bottom of the file in the following format
alias <your_custom_command_name>=‘<command_to_be_executed>’
alias socialfish=‘python3 ~/tools/SocialFish/’
Step 3: Reboot and use the command
Note: For giving any command line arguments, give it right after the custom command. Example “socialfish root toor”
Method 2:
Step 1: In terminal execute the following command
$ echo ${PATH}
Step 2: Change directory to the first path in the above output.
$ cd /usr/local/bin
Note: When a command is entered “/usr/local/bin” will be first checked for the command and “/usr/bin” next and so on.
Step 3: Create a file with the custom command as the name of the file.
Example: If the custom command is socialfish, create a file with the name socialfish without any extensions.
$ sudo nano socialfish
Step 4: Paste the following code with the relevant command and save the file.
python3 ~/tools/SocialFish/ root toor
Note: Provide the absolute path to the program which needs to be executed.
Step 5: Add executable permissions to the created file and the original file that needs to be executed.
$ sudo chmod +x socialfish
$ sudo chmod +x ~/tools/SocialFish/
Step 6: Now, the custom command can be executed from any directory.
Step 7: In order to pass the arguments dynamically while executing the custom command, use the following code :
python3 /root/tools/SocialFish/ ${*}
Note: “${*}” stores all the command line arguments as a single parameter.
Step 8: Finally, type the custom command along with the command line arguments and execute.
Step 9: To remove the custom command, delete the file created in “/usr/local/bin”.
$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/socialfish