Create a start menu icon for any shell script in Linux / Kali Linux
- Open terminal and enter the following code.
sudo -i gedit /usr/share/application/<program_name>.desktop
sudo -i gedit /usr/share/applications/pycharm.desktop

2. Enter the following in the file
[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Terminal = <true/false> (according to your need)
Name = <name of the application>
Icon = <Absolute path of the icon file>
Exec = <Absolute path of the shell script file>
Note: Get the absolute path of the files from file manager like the example below:

[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Terminal = false
Name = Pycharm
Icon = /home/kali/tools/pycharm-community-2021.2.3/bin/pycharm.svg
Exec = /home/kali/tools/pycharm-community-2021.2.3/bin/

3. Save and exit gedit.
4. You’ve now successfully created an icon in the start menu which will run your desired shell script. Now, you can search for the program in the start menu and open directly.